New League. New Number.
This is our first season in FTC. We received our new team number, 12635, and are ready to make our debut!
Our Robot
Our robot Aries for the FTC 2017-2018 Relic Recovery Challenge.
Our previous robot KuRo, used for half of the FTC 2017-2018 Relic Recovery Challenge

Burlingame Qualifiers
For our first qualifying match, we are extremely proud of our accomplishments. At the time, we held the NorCal Record of 377 points.
We also thank our alliance partner, team 5220, RoboKnights.
PTC Design Award and
Winning Alliance Captain

Santa Clara Qualifiers
At this double event, we were once again part of the Winning Alliance, and also picked up the Judges Award.
We thank our Alliance Captain, 11575 Robust Robots, and our second alliance team 11311 Paragon.
Winning Alliance First Pick
and Judges Award

Napa Qualifiers
Our robot was off to a rocky start with technical malfunctions, but we were back on our feet soon enough and took the Winning Alliance award along with the very prestigious Inspire Award.
We thank team 5220 RoboKnights once again for being such a great alliance partner.
Winning Alliance and Inspire Award

NorCal Regional Championships
We competed within the Silicon Division. We were the 6th seeded alliance and paired up with Team 5206 Knights of Ni and Team 6426 Alpha Genesis for the elimination rounds but unfortunately were unable to become the winning alliance of the division to compete against the Gold Division. We additionally won no awards at this tournament.
However, we had a great experience at our first regional championship for FTC and learned a lot about creating better robots in this new league.