One of the fastest growing languages today is the Rust programming language, and its modern design and flexibility allow it to be used for everything from browser apps to embedded devices. The course is meant for those at an AP Computer Science level, who are looking to expand their knowledge of programming.

This two-week course begins with contrasting Rust to languages like C and Java, and learning about lower-level concepts like memory management and assembly code. You'll then learn about Rust's unique set of "borrowing" rules, which ensure memory safety, as well as object-oriented programming in Rust using Traits and Rust's Enums. The course is project-based, and we'll make several projects including a concurrent web server, and an implementation of Conway's Game Of Life which can run in the web browser with WebAssembly.
Conway's Game Of Life by Robert Spatz on Codeflow

Experience with binary exploitation or C/C++ is helpful, however not required for the course. Having an IDE preconfigured (we recommend CLion, but you can use whatever IDE/editor you want) to build and compile Rust before the first session will allow us to jump right in; if you need help setting it up, email us at [email protected].